1.Users are strictly prohibited from posting Content, activity or interactions that threaten, depict, praise, support, provide instructions for, make statements of intent, admit participation in or share links of the sexual exploitation of children (including real minors, toddlers or babies, or non-real depictions with a human likeness, such as in art, AI-generated content, fictional characters, dolls etc.). This includes, but is not limited to,
(i) Sexual intercourse
Explicit sexual intercourse or oral sex, defined as mouth or genitals entering or in contact with another person's genitals or anus, when at least one person's genitals or anus is visible, Implied sexual intercourse or oral sex, including when contact is imminent or not directly visible, Stimulation of genitals or anus, including when activity is imminent or not directly visible, Any of the above involving an animal.
(ii) Children with sexual elements, including, but not limited to,
Restraints, Signs of arousal, Focus on genitals or anus, Presence of aroused adult, Presence of sex toys or use of any object for sexual stimulation, gratification or sexual abuse, Sexualised costume, Stripping, Staged environment (for example, on a bed) or professionally shot (quality/focus/angles), Open-mouth kissing, Stimulation of human nipples or squeezing of female breast (EXCEPT in the context of breastfeeding), Presence of by-products of sexual activity
(iii) Content involving children in a sexual fetish context
(iv) Content that supports, promotes, advocates or encourages participation in pedophilia, unless it is discussed neutrally in a health context
(v) Content that identifies or mocks alleged victims of child sexual exploitation by name or image
2. Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in any form of solicitation, which includes sexual content or activity depicting or involving children, defined as:
(i) Child sexual abuse material (CSAM)
(ii) Nude imagery of real or non-real children
(iii) Sexualized imagery of real or non-real children
(iv) Content that solicits sexual encounters with children
3. Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in inappropriate interactions with children, which includes- content that constitutes or facilitates inappropriate interactions with children, such as:
(i) Arranging or planning sexual encounters with children
(ii) Enticing children to engage in sexual activity through sexualized conversations or offering, displaying, obtaining or requesting sexual material to or from children, through purposeful exposure or in private messages
(iii) Engaging in implicitly sexual conversations in private messages with children
(iv) Obtaining or requesting sexual material from children in private messages
4. Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in exploitative intimate imagery and sextortion- Content that attempts to exploit real children by:
(i) Coercing money, favors or intimate imagery with threats to expose real or non-real intimate imagery or information
(ii) Sharing, threatening or stating an intent to share private sexual conversations or real or non-real intimate imagery
5. Users are strictly prohibited from perpetuating sexualisation of children, which includes-
(i) Content (including photos, videos, real-world art, digital content and verbal depictions) that sexualizes real or non-real children
(ii) Groups, Pages and profiles dedicated to sexualizing real or non-real children
6. Users are strictly prohibited from posting Child nudity, which includes- Content that depicts real or non-real child nudity where nudity is defined as:
(i) Close-ups of real or non-real children's genitalia
(ii) Real or non-real nude toddlers, showing: Visible genitalia, even when covered or obscured by transparent clothing, Visible anus and/or fully nude close-up of buttocks
(iii) Real or non-real nude minors, showing: Visible genitalia (including genitalia obscured only by pubic hair or transparent clothing), Visible anus and/or fully nude close-up of buttocks, uncovered female nipples, No clothes from neck to knee – even if no genitalia or female nipples are showing
Unless the non-real imagery is for health purposes or is a non-sexual depiction of child nudity in real-word art
7. Users are strictly prohibited from practicing non-sexual child abuse, which includes-
(i) (i) Videos or photos that depict real or non-real non-sexual child abuse regardless of sharing intent, unless the imagery is from real-world art, cartoons, films or video games
(ii) Content that praises, supports, promotes, advocates for, provides instructions for or encourages participation in non-sexual child abuse.
(iii) Real or non-real nude minors, showing: Visible genitalia (including genitalia obscured only by pubic hair or transparent clothing), Visible anus and/or fully nude close-up of buttocks, uncovered female nipples, No clothes from neck to knee – even if no genitalia or female nipples are showing
8. Users are strictly prohibited from sharing harmful/ violent Content, which includes- sharing, transmitting, or displaying any content that is harmful, inappropriate or exploitative in nature towards children, including but not limited to explicit material, violent content, or material that promotes abuse or harm.
9. Users are required to immediately report any suspicious activity, content, or interaction involving minors that could indicate potential harm, exploitation, or illegal behavior, in accordance with applicable laws. Users may report either by flagging a post and marking it under “Child Safety Concerns” or send a mail to support@chwippy.com
10. Users are strictly prohibited from collecting, soliciting, or attempting to obtain personal information from minors, including their contact details, location, or other identifying information, without verifiable parental consent and in compliance with data protection laws.